change your destiny

manifest your dream life

Salaam ‘ilm seeker,

lately I’ve been feeling that i’m not doing enough.

I should be working harder,

be more diligent in my prayers,

waste less time,

and be earning more money.

do you feel the same way?

we know what we should be doing,

but we just can’t seem to get it done.

we’re missing something…

I noticed I’ve been lacking in one crucial aspect of my worship,

although I do engage with it -

it is not coming from the heart.

but this morning, alhamdulillah after so long, I felt a shift…

and immediately saw Allah swt answer.

that is the power of dua.

“Supplication is the brain (essence) of worship”

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Tirmidhī)

let me explain…

I have been making dua -

but I’ll be honest, it’s just words I’ve memorized from the quran and hadith.

although there’s no doubt Allah swt has put ajr (reward) in that…

I realize that duas aren’t meant to be recited mindlessly.

what are we actually doing when we’re making dua?

we are calling out to Allah swt, the One who created us.

our words are travelling through the 7 heavens to Allah the Almighty,


How merciful is our Lord, who’s given you and I direct access to Him.

I was lacking certainty when making dua

let me give you an example:

after jumu’ah, my Sheikh makes the following dua (paraphrased)…

“ya Allah, we are guests in your house, you taught us to never leave our guests empty-handed.

ya Allah, we raise our hands to You, asking You and You alone to forgive every single one of our sins.”

I’d be saying ‘ameen’ to those duas,

but a thought always creeps in my head,

“every single one of our sins?

that’s not possible.

how can I just say this and expect Allah to forgive every sin?

I know Allah will forgive some of the sins because Allah loves to forgive…but a lifetime of sins?

sounds too good to be true”.

until recently I thought to myself, why not?

why am I putting limitations on Allah swt?

"Allah says: 'I am just as My slave thinks I am, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him)…”

The Prophet ﷺ (Sahih al-Bukhari)

these are the authentic words of our Prophet ﷺ telling us the power of belief.

if I believe in Allah’s Rahmah, knowing He is Al-Afuw, knowing He is Al-Ghafur,

I have certainty that Allah swt will answer our duas,

no matter how impossible they may seem.

I told you in the beginning that I felt a shift this morning when I called out to Allah swt -

and I’ll share with you exactly what I’m doing so that you’re able to benefit as well.

  1. learn the names of Allah swt

    • seeking rizq? - ask ar-Razzaq

      (the All-Provider)

    • seeking forgiveness? - ask al-Afuw

      (the Supreme Pardoner)

    • seeking answers of duas - ask al-Mujeeb

      (the Responding One)

  2. when making dua, be firm in our belief that Allah swt will answer

    (remember the hadith).

  3. Formula for making a dua:

    1. start by praising Allah swt,

    2. send blessings on the Prophet ﷺ,

    3. start by seeking forgiveness first,

    4. make your duas,

    5. end by sending salutations on the Prophet ﷺ

  4. recite verses in the quran that solidify your belief in Allah swt when you make dua and then talk to Him.

here are some examples…

you could say, “ya Allah, you answer the dua of the one who calls upon you, ya Allah, I believe in You and You alone, and I’m calling upon you to answer my duas…”

you could say,” ya Allah, I’m calling upon you and you have promised me You will answer. Ya Allah answer my dua in the best way possible…”

you could say, “Ya Allah, you are the Hearer of all prayers, I am calling to You and You alone, and seeking Your help and Your Help alone

you could say, “Ya Allah, I worship you alone, There is no god other than You, you produced me from the earth and have settled me. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance. Ya Allah, you are Ever-near and All-Responsive to prayers.

are you following the pattern?

when we recite the words of Allah swt,

the promises of Allah swt,

our heart strengthens in yaqeen (belief) -

leading to answered duas.


Final Thoughts From Me…

I want to share the story of this morning because of how Allah swt truly listens and answers our duas.

it’s the reason you’re reading this right now.

I prayed to Allah swt to increase me in my rizq so I can serve Him better, take care of my parents and family, and serve the ummah.

and before getting home from Fajr, a notification lit my screen…

before the day even began, Allah swt answered.


may Allah swt continue to shower you and I from his countless blessings.

if you’re looking to learn the secrets of abundance found in the quran,

and apply them in your life in a structured way,

May Allah swt put barakah in your journey of self-improvement.

JazakAllah khair for your support always.

fi amanillah,

hamza navid

P.S. I’ll be sending another email tomorrow regarding our free community filled with video modules on

how to improve our relationship with Allah,

build unshakable discipline,

and earn your first $1,000 online.

stay tuned.