connect with the owner of rizq

this is the missing ingredient for success

salaam ‘ilm seekers,

we’re in the final countdown.

if you’ve been following me for a while -

you’ll know that I focus on one thing;


that’s how I built my instagram page from 0-50k+ in under 10 months.

that’s how i grew my newsletter to 10k+ readers.

that’s how I made the fastest growing muslim community on skool -

7k students in 6 weeks.

الحمد لله

anything good i’ve done is from Allah swt alone.

I share this because i’ve been able to make a strong impact on muslims around the world by -

spreading the deen of Allah swt,

helping them become better muslims,

and earn wealth at the same time.

look at what one of my students said after watching my free lesson:

if this type of knowledge is in the free community -

imagine the value i’ll be giving in the premium one.

but i’m not done giving you value,

to celebrate the launch of the premium community -

i’m giving a full barakah business masterclass.

everything you need to know to

  • grow closer with Ar-Razzaq (the All-Provider)

  • build unshakable discipline

  • create a barakah business that serves the ummah

you do not want to miss this -

there will be a special, one-time offer at the end for action-takers.

inshaAllah i’ll see you on December 7th @ 12PM EST.

jazakAllah khair for your support always.

fi amanillah,

hamza navid