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you will never finish if you never start

the paradox of struggle

لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا ٱلْإِنسَـٰنَ فِى كَبَدٍ

Indeed, We have created humankind in ˹constant˺ struggle. (90:4)

salaam ‘ilm seeker,

we have been created by Allah swt in a state of struggle.

the notion of a peaceful and comfortable life does not exist - without struggle.

and that is where the beauty lies.

we get to choose our struggle.

struggle with obesity, or struggle in the gym

struggle with debt, or struggle with financial discipline.

struggle with dunya, or struggle to improve your deen.

there will be hardships.

choose your hard.

here’s how we can use that to our benefit.

nourish the soul

waking up for fajr is hard, pursue it (tahajjud is even more difficult).

fasting is hard; pursue it.

reading the quran every day is hard; pursue it.

nourish the mind (& body)

reading is hard; pursue it.

sleeping on time is hard; pursue it.

exercising is hard; pursue it.

grow your income

starting a business is hard; pursue it.

creating your first post is hard; pursue it.

crafting your first offer is hard; pursue it.

allow yourself to be a beginner.

this is something I struggle with myself.

take a look into my instagram journey.

my first video was not good.

nor was the second.

I had to allow myself to be a beginner.

but after creating 100 videos,

I consistently generate hundreds of thousands of views (alhamdulillah).

or take this email you’re reading,

it’s the second one I’ve ever sent.

before this, I spent so long overthinking -

what should I write about?

would my writing even be good?

would anyone even want to read it?

until i reminded myself that I must allow myself to be a beginner.

improvement will happen as we refine our skills through repetition.

taking the first step is hard; pursue it.

and leave the rest to Allah swt.

it’s hard not knowing what to do,

but the answers will come to us as we begin.

if you want to learn more on how you can take the first step and grow closer in your deen,

while accomplishing your biggest goals backed by quranic wisdom & science -

May Allah swt put barakah in your journey of self-improvement.

JazakAllah khair for your support always.

fi amanillah,

hamza navid

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