Welcome to The Qalam

build your deen, your mind, and your rizq.

نٓ ۚ وَٱلْقَلَمِ وَمَا يَسْطُرُونَ

Nun. By the pen and what everyone writes! (68:1)

salaam ‘ilm seeker,

welcome to the growing community of high achieving muslims -

paving the path to success together, as an ummah.

jazakAllah khair for taking the first step to becoming the best version of yourself.

(the reason you’re getting this email is because you’ve requested access to one the free values I’ve provided).

this email newsletter is unlike others.

the purpose?

a space for you -

seeking excellence in this world and the hereafter.

I will be sending you an email twice a week (sometimes more) only if the need calls for it and it’s something of immense value to you.

if at any point you realize this isn’t for you, there will be an “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of every email.

seeking excellence calls for seeking discomfort.

these newsletters will challenge you to get out of your comfort zone,

build better habits,

and teach you skills to make money (with the permission of Allah swt).

May Allah swt accept this from you and I -

these reminders will be for myself first and foremost.

Next Steps…

I want to make sure the newsletter reaches your inbox.

To accomplish that, simply reply to this email.

You can say anything -

say salaam or even ask a question.

That’ll help me stay away from your spam folder,

and it’ll ensure you get the value-loaded email to your inbox.

(drag this email into your primary if it isn’t there already).

JazakAllah Khair once again, and welcome to The Qalam

fi amanillah,

hamza navid.