what's your why?

unlock unlimited motivation from the quran

salaam ‘ilm seeker,

have you ever wondered,


why have we been sent on this earth?

why are we going through this dunya?

why do we have to struggle?


this is surprisingly a very common question for the believer who thinks,

and to simplify it, it’s because

“I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me”.

[Quran 51:56]

the ibadah of Allah swt.

what does that truly mean?

is it spending our lives on the prayer mat,

reading quran,

spending time in dua and dhikr?

what about working, making an income, spending time with loved ones - 

where does all of that come into play?

when we learn deeper from the quran and sunnah,

we quickly find that even tasks that we label as “dunya”,

can be planting seeds for our hereafter.

“Whoever is concerned about the Hereafter,

Allah will place richness in his heart,

bring his affairs together,

and the world will inevitably come to him.

Whoever is concerned about the world,

Allah will place poverty between his eyes,

disorder his affairs,

and he will get nothing of the world but what is decreed for him.”

Prophet Muhammad SAW (Tirmidhī 2465)

The Solution:

here’s how we can implement this hadith in our lives,

so we can attain the richness of heart,

have our affairs come together perfectly,

and have what we want from this dunya.

  1. start the day with fajr (or tahajjud)

    • read quran

  2. plan your day around salah

    • use salah as anchor points for the day

  3. reaffirm our attention when we do our worldly affairs

    • when we work, do it for the sake of Allah swt  

      • ie. “Ya Allah, put barakah in my rizq so I can earn a good halal income allowing me to spend in your way

      • when we spend time with our family and friends,

        do it for the sake of Allah swt because Allah has said -

“I am the Merciful (Ar-Rahman).

I have created ties of kinship and derives a name for it from My Name.

If anyone maintains ties of kinship,

I maintain connection with him,

and I shall cut off anyone who cuts them off."

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Abi Dawud)

So, what is our why?

live a life that pleases Allah swt.

that has many pathways, find one that suits you;

your skills,

your passion,

your hobbies,

your knowledge.

leverage that and use it to serve Allah swt and the ummah of the Prophet ﷺ .

if you’re looking to structure your day with the pleasure of Allah swt,

while focusing on your goals that will help serve the ummah,

Final Thoughts From Me…

on July 26th 2024, I had the honour to give khutbah at my masjid -

and the topic was inspired by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan;

‘as muslims, our vision must expand beyond ourselves.’

and that had me thinking,

what is my vision?

how can I serve the ummah?

and when the thought crossed my mind, it scared me.

immediately I thought of all the reasons I wouldn’t be able to do it.

but the fact that it scared me, I knew I was on the right track.

I want to build the greatest community for muslims to achieve greatness in their deen, self-development, and income.

alhamdulillah I crossed 43,000 followers on instagram yesterday,

there is over 3,800+ people subscribed to my newsletter.

we already have a movement of high-achieving muslims looking to become better,

in all aspects of their lives.

it is possible (with the help of Allah swt).

I need your help…

here’s what I’m thinking to serve you further:

  • video modules on famous personal development books like “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “Deep Work” by Cal Newport" from an Islamic perspective

  • business modules helping you earn your first $1000 online

  • lifestyle modules helping you succeeding in this dunya through the worship of Allah swt

I would love your feedback;
what do you think?
anything you’d add or change?

I may not be able to reply, but I will read every single response.

jazakAllah khair for your support always.

fi amanillah,

hamza navid